Monday, September 14, 2009

More energy

Hello again,

So just a quick update. So, I had an eventful last couple of days. I am so happy to be feeling better. I am not 100%, but I am almost there. I had to get outside of my apartment! Friday, my co-teachers and I went to Hyewa, which is a neighborhood near mine. It has more shopping, restaurants, bars, and noribongs(karaoke rooms). So we went to this restaurant/bar called "Cream beer." It was a nice atmosphere. It also had this "cream" you pour on your beer. It made the crappy Korean beer taste much better. Then we decided, since we didn't want to go out to the major foreigner bars that we would stay in Hyewa. We went to a noribong. It wasn't the nicest in the world, but it sufficed for what we wanted.

The next day I met up with a few friends at Spabee's restaurant(it means spaghetti and beer). Its an Italian restaurant, we have gone to many times. It is ran by a very nice Korean gentleman. We then were deciding if we were going to a movie. Well one of my new friends, Rachel was new to Korea, so we decided Noribong was much better way to get to know each other. It was quite the site. It was quite gorgeous for a noribong. It had glass floors when you walk in. And a nice private room with a view of the local shopping district. As you may have seen from the pictures we found a frog suit, and it was quite entertaining. For all of us, even the two who didn't put it on!

I dunno if many of you saw my facebook, but I just found out that my kitty Neko passed away. When I left for Korea I had to leave her behind. It wasn't something I wanted to do, but my friends were very amazing about me doing this experience. And although it pained me much to leave her behind, at the time we all felt (myself included) this was a great opportunity for me. Well, I am not one to talk about my emotions or talk about them well at any rate, so leaving her was harder than most people realize. And I write better than I speak, as most of you know. I had her from 3 weeks old. She was part of a litter that was without a mom. We kept 2 of the kittens. Santino was a great kitty too. Unfortunately, Santinp couldn't survive the fight. Neko, fought long and hard to get strong enough, and oh did she ever. I am not the greatest parent. But, Neko and I had our routine. And we snuggled consistently, and she always slept on my chest when we went to sleep. She was a bit crazy, but I loved that about her, even though at times it drove me nuts. And I think she knew I was leaving. Her mood started changing a little before I left, like she knew things would be different. She was a smart little thing.

My friends are really great people for taking care of Neko. I can't thank them enough for doing everything they could to make sure she was okay and happy. I mean that so much more than I can express properly. Apparently she got sick suddenly. She was living with my friend as an indoor out door cat. They took her to the doctor, and he said there was nothing they could do. I heard that she was happy and doing really well prior to that. So that is really great for me to know she was loved and happy. She will be missed. I will miss her. RIP- Neko 4/2008-8/2009

Update me please. I am halfway through my 6th month. So Update me. I miss you all very much.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Month 6 ;-)


So, I am in Month 6! It is so weird. I have to say it has flown by. As most of you know last month and this month I was really sick. So I am now getting better, so I can write and let you know what happened. Well at the beginning of August I felt like I had a stuffy nose. I thought it was just my normal allergies, but my allergy medicine wasn't working. Well I had one of my Korean co-teachers write me a note to go to the pharmacy for sore throat and sneezing. The medicine worked for a day, then I got worse. So after a week, I went to the doctor. The ladies(possibly nurses??) couldn't spell my name in Korean and didn't speak any English. It was awesome! The doctor seemed more worried about if I had swine flu, rather than what was actually wrong with me. So he perscribed me medicine for 3 days. As you probably guess, it didn't work, and I went back again. He then was wearing a mask when he heard I was back, and said my symptoms still weren't swine flu, so prescribed me 4 more days of medicine. Well I started to feel better for like 2 days, and I was so excited. It was a Friday. Sunday, my nose felt stuffy. I was trying to be positive.

The next day I got food poisoning. It was awesome!!! I felt like my stomach was eating itself! And that night, during all of that. I came down with a fever. I decided it was due to my stomach ache. I was wrong! The fever got worse. So I went to the ER with my Manager of our school and Jimmy(Angie my supervisor's assistant). They don't speak English well, so again my symptoms and problems were not relayed properly. Not their fault, they were really nice about it. I also got tested for SWINE FLU! Awesome! Clearly, didn't have it since I was not exposed to anyone with SWINE FLU, since I had mainly been at school and my apartment. Still, I took the medicine, hoping to feel better and nothing! Then finally I went to go see another doctor and made Angie go with me, so I could describe to the doctor what was wrong with me exactly and how long I had been sick. So he finally said ANTIBIOTIC!!! YAY! And wouldn't you know, I started getting better the next day. Now it is 5 days later and I am almost back to my normal self.

SO yeah, that's why I wasn't writing for a while. There wasn't anything good to write about. All I wanted was to go to a CVS or Walgreen's or something. It sucked! I can't pretend it was good, it wasn't. I figured if I wrote while sick, I would sound like such a Debbie Downer, that I couldn't.

I had a good few people who were really great during that time, and that made it easier.

So this weekend, I am going OUTSIDE!! I have to! The cabin fever set in weeks ago. I remember getting snowed in for 1 day and going crazy! So just imagine basically a month!

Few things:
I didn't update, because there wasn't much to say. But, email me! I want updates. I can't believe it has been this long. I really miss y'all so much!

BIG HUGS and lots of Love from SK!
